Deanery Conference and Festival 2014

The Deanery Conference and Festival 2014 is now closed for applications.

If you have any queries, or for a possible late registration, please contact the organisers.

It is with great regret that we must inform you that Archbishop Job will not be able to attend the Conference/Festival 2014, even on the last evening and Monday, because he has been summoned to accompany the Patriarch to Jerusalem.
There will therefore be no Liturgy on Monday and some adjustment to the programme.

7 May 2014

The Conference/Festival will take place between Fri 23 and Mon 26 May 2014, at the High Leigh Conference Centre, Hoddesdon, Herts (map).

The theme of the conference is Freedom In Christ.

This year we introduce electronic online registration as well as payments by Paypal, Credit or Debit Card and Bank Transfer. These are now the preferred methods for applying.

If you are unable to fill the electronic application, you can download a pdf application, print it and mail it along with a cheque.
If you are not in position to print the application form, please email the organisers and we will send you a paper application by post.

Before you apply please read how the charges are calculated this year.

Here is a list of all the links necessary for for this year's application.

An introductory letter to the Conference and Festival 2014 by Fr David Gill

In 2013 we changed the title of the annual Deanery conference to conference and festival.
This was to emphasize that alongside the important learning experience provided by excellent speakers over the years, there should be activities to encourage fellowship, creativity and enjoyment in other areas of learning.
Workshops for singing, baking, vestment making and icon painting were included with acclaim. Indeed the feedback from participants hailed the whole event as successful and stimulating.
The atmosphere was encouraged by the presence of 27 children and their young parents so that all age groups across the Deanery were represented and a good family atmosphere was evident. There was a lots of joy and happiness.

This year we shall build on this success and again invite you to enroll for this event. The theme will be Freedom in Christ. This follows well from last year's theme of Mission as we all seek to be more deeply rooted in Christ and more freely available to Him. To this end I commend that you watch again the video of Metropolitan Anthony speaking at our Conference in 2001 on the theme Where has Christianity Gone Wrong. His words make an apt prelude to our theme. I will explore whether his text or video might be included on our Deanery website.
Of further importance, this will be the first opportunity for most to meet our new Archbishop Job and attend what has become the Annual Deanery Liturgy as we concelebrate with him on Sunday morning. Any of you who are unable to be present for the whole conference should consider attending the Liturgy.

Details of the conference are now available, please enroll on-line or ask for a downloaded application form. These will be made available to all parish and community representatives.
May God continue to bless these important gatherings.

Fr. David Gill
Member of Deanery Executive liaising with conference organizers.

