Over 120 participants gathered at the High Leigh Conference Centre in Hertfordshire on the weekend of 25th - 28th May 2012.

We were blessed by having Archbishop Gabriel with us for the whole of the conference, and by the wonderful summer sunshine. Although some were sorry to have to abandon our previous conference venue, High Leigh provided an excellent centre, with beautiful grounds and excellent catering.
The highlight of the conference was the celebration of the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, with the Archbishop presiding and with 26 clergy concelebrating. There were two ordinations: Deacon Mark Mcbeth was ordained to the priesthood to assist Fr Alexander in Dunblane, and Steven Rawlings was ordained to the diaconate with the name of Stephan, to assist Fr Steven in St Anne's House inYork. Two other priests were received by concelebration: Fr Alban Plant to serve in the parish of the Holy prophet Elias in Devon, and Fr John Ives to work in his community in Bournemouth.

Special thanks are due to our Archbishop Gabriel, who generously gave his time to be with us, and to all members of the organising committee.
There follow two reports by Ian Randall from the Walsingham parish (click here) and Andrew Sherwood from the Brighton parish (click here).
A very full picture gallery can be found here
