Communiqué N° 03-13 of the Archdiocesan Council
Meeting of 13 February 2013
The Archdiocesan Council met on the 13 February 2013, under the chairmanship of His Eminence of the Locum tenens, Metropolitan Emmanuel. Among points discussed where:
1. Preparation for the EGA
The Council looked at the state of readiness for the Diocesan Assmbly and set out some practical arrangements for the running of this Assembly which is to be held at the St Alexander Nevsky cathedral in Paris on the 29th and 30th of March (cf. communiqué n° 02-13).
2. Selection of Candidates
The Council has drawn up a list of candidates for election on 30 March. In accordance with the statutes of the Archdiocese (art. 41), this list will be sent to His Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch to receive the approval of the Holy Synod.
The list of candidates approved by the Holy Synod will then be published on the website of the Archdiocese (upon receipt of this approval). It will also be available to delegates convened for the EGA, with a CV of each candidate.
French version