Conference Application Deadline: 31 March 2015

Dear all,

The Deanery Conference and Festival started a Conference Newsletter, that will keep updated all those who are interested in getting the news about the conference first hand.

You have been entered in the mailing list of this newsletter as you are in some ways connected to the conference or have registered for it from our Deanery website. If this is not the case, please unsubscribe using the link below.

This is the third issue of the newsletter. The reasons you didn't received the previous two were technical errors on the server side of our deanery website.

The first newsletter was the general announcement about the Conference / Festival with a call for registrations, and the second newsletter was an appeal for its bursary funds.

In this newsletter we would like to remind you that the deadline for the conference applications is 31 March 2015. This year this is a strict date, as High Leigh now use different method for entering data. Exceeding our deadline to register the names of the people attending with High Leigh, will mean possible cancelation of the whole conference.

The preferred method of payment is bank transfer - if you are confident with it and have done such transfers in the past. If not, you could you use PayPal to pay either with your PayPal account or using a credit card, for which no PayPal account is required - PayPal only acts as an online money distributor in this case. Of course, if neither of those two methods are accessible for you, you can always send a cheque. All payment details are explained on the Conference Payment Page.

We are working intensively on the programme and the list of workshops and will be in touch with you as soon as we have finalised those. The registration for the workshops will be done online, in a simple web-form.

In Christ,
Deanery Festival organisers