September 2014 Feuillet of the Exarchate in English

  • Pastoral visit o the Vitiaz Camp —
  • The Annual Meeting of the Deanery of Italy
  • 'The Christian Anthropology of Olivier Clément  at a Crossroad between East and West' prof. Michel Stavrou
  • A Course on Orthodox Liturgical Music
  • Visit of archbishop Job to Devon
  • Ordinations

Safeguarding the vulnerable, Deanery model clauses, Constitution and Property Trust Deed

Many stakeholders of our Deanery would like us to be as professional as possible when running our parishes, bearing in mind that we are mostly volunteers. The Archdiocese requires us to meet certain norms, parents, carers and families want us to safeguard our people, donors want us to safeguard the funds and property that they give us. To help communities and parishes with these complex tasks, the deanery has developed a set of up-to-date constitutional material to make sure that we are using all the latest tools available to us.

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh (1914–2014) Centenary Conference

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh (1914–2014) Centenary Conference
November 15th – 16th 2014 King’s College London.

Please Note Full Programme  and Timetable now available below.

The conference is organised by the ‘Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh Foundation’, and it's the sixth in Western
Europe to be held in his memory, celebrating the centenary of his birth.

We will look at his spiritual and theological vision and teaching, and at him as a person, in that what he preached was inseparable from what he tried to live.

Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius 2014 Conference 11-14 August

Reflections on the funeral of Archpriest John Lee

Held 1st of July 2014

Father John’s funeral was magnificent, befitting the man. As the large congregation gathered to venerate his body while the clergy read the Gospel, we were given time to reflect on just how important was the occasion; and how large a part Father John had played in so many lives. There was an air of expectation, which was fulfilled when Shanta and family, with the women resplendent in white saris, processed with great dignity into the church.

Archpriest John Lee 1938-2014 by Father Stephen Platt

The future Archpriest John Lee was born John Samuel Lee in Mercer County, Pennsylvania.  His family were farmers, on one side Scottish, the other Ukrainian.

June 2014 Feuillet of the Exarchate in English

  • Apostolic pilgrimage : Jerusalem, 23-27 May 2014
  • Common Declaration of pope Francis and the patriarch Bartholomew 25 May 2014
  • Pastoral visit to the South-East of France
  • In memoriam : father Jean de Vaere
  • The matushki’s meeting: a first in the history of the Archdiocese
  • Freedom in Christ – Deanery of Great Britain and Ireland
  • Deanery Conference report - 23-26 May 2014

Patriarchal letter to the clergy and faithful of the Exarchate

Your Eminence Archbishop Job of Telmessos, well beloved brother in the Holy Spirit and concelebrant with my humble self, Exarch of the Orthodox parishes of the Russian tradition in Western Europe under the most holy Ecumenical Throne, most pious priests and deacons, honourable dignitaries and blessed Christians of this patriarchal Exarchate, may the grace and peace of God be with you, along with my prayers and blessing.

Details about the funeral of Fr John Lee

The funeral of our Archpriest John (Lee) is scheduled to take place at 11:00 am on Tuesday 1st July 2014 at St Andrew’s Church, Holborn. We expect the coffin to arrive at about 9:30am allowing, for those who wish, time to pray by its side. The funeral will start at 11:00am, followed by the burial at 2:30pm in Richmond cemetery.


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