MOTHER THEKLA, Russia 1918 - England 2011

On Sunday 7th August, Mother Thekla of the Monastery of the Assumption at Normanby, passed from death to life everlasting. Hieromonk Stephen Robson visited her regularly and was with her at the end.

Communiqué N ° 01-11 of the Diocesan Administration

Following the publication on the site "Let's talk about orthodoxy" hosted by the Diocese of Chersonese of the Moscow Patriarchate in France of a report that Father Nicolas Ozolin (son) would be appointed rector of the Russian Orthodox Cathedral of Saint Nicholas in Nice, Archbishop Gabriel and the Diocesan administration wish to point out that they have received n


Latest Communiqué from the Archdiocese

Click here for the Communiqué N° 03-11 of the Diocesan Council Meeting on June 22nd and 23rd 2011.

Concelebration in the Cathedral of St Alexander Nevsky

On Sunday July 2nd 2011, Archbishop Gabriel received the participants in the XIIth Conference of Orthodox Youth of the Russian Emigration in the Cathedral. 150 young people from various countries took part in the Liturgy, concelebrated by Archbishop Gabriel, Bishop Michael of Geneva and Western Europe, Bishop Nestor of Cherson, Bishop Ignatius of Bronnitsa (President of the Synodal Youth Department) and Bishop Theodosius of Seattle, together with five priests and seven deacons.

Meeting of the Augmented Council of the Archdiocese and the Archbishop’s Jubilee

A meeting of the Archdiocesan Council was held on June 23rd, augmented by the presence of the Deans and the Chairman of the canonical commission of the diocese (Tribunal ecclésiastique).

Deanery Assembly Elections 2011

The forthcoming elections are to elect lay members to the deanery Assembly.

Latest Communiqué from the Archdiocese

Click here for the Communiqué N° 01-11 of the Council of the Archdiocese Meetings of 24 February 2011.

Latest issue of “Feuillets de l’exarchat”

Latest issue of “Feuillets de l’exarchat” in English has been published. This edition contains reports on the recent deanery conference.   Download here in English, or here for the original French.

Archdiocesan deanery Conference 2011

 The deanery Annual Conference was held on 27 – 30 May 2011 at the All Saints Pastoral Centre, St Albans.
The theme of this year's conference was 'Love of God, Our Neighbour and Ourselves'.
Papers and recordings of the talks will be published here at a later date.  
 Here and here  are two reports on the conference. 

Latest issue of “Feuillets de l’exarchat”

Latest issue of “Feuillets de l’exarchat”  in English has been published.  Download here in English, or here for the original French.  Please distribute among the parishes and communities.


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