Report on the Deanery Conference and Festival 2019


Conference / Festival 2019 - Photos

Photos from Jim Hyndman

Communiqué of the Office of the Diocesan Administration of May 13, 2019

A pastoral assembly convened by his Eminence Archbishop Jean de Charioupolis in his pastoral letter of April 22, 2019 was held on May 11, 2019 in the premises of the St. Sergius Institute of Theology with the assistance of the parish St Sergius.

This initiative follows the disarray caused by the decision of 27 November 2018 of the Holy Synod of the Patriarchate of Constantinople to close down the Exarchate and by the spontaneous debate that has developed regarding the future of our Archdiocese.

Communiqué of the Archdiocesan Council of 29 March 2019

A delegation, composed of Archpriest Alexander Fostiropoulos (London), Archdeacon Vsevolod Borzakovsky (Rome) and Professor Cyrille Sollogoub (Paris) was warmly received by His Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, in the presence of Metropolitan Emmanuel of France.

The delegation handed over to H.H. the Ecumenical Patriarch the letter written by the Council of the Archdiocese, following the Extraordinary General Assembly of 23 February 2019, which refused to acccept the dissolution of the Archdiocese by nearly 93% of the votes.

Communiqué of the Archdiocese - 23 February 2019

The Extraordinary General Assembly (EGA) of the Archdiocese, made up of all members of the clergy and lay parish delegates, met in Paris on 23 February, 2019, to deliberate on the Ecumenical Patriarchate's decision to “reorganise the status of the exarchate”, published in the Communiqué of 29 November, 2018 of the Holy Synod.

Communiqué of the Council of the Archdiocese of 8th February 2019

This is a reminder that the Extraordinary General Assembly has been convened in response to the decision of the Ecumenical Patriarchate to change the status of the Archdiocese, that is to say, to withdraw its title of Patriarchal Exarchate. It is certainly the responsibility of the Patriarchate to grant or not the status of Exarchate to our Archdiocese; on the other hand, it is the responsibility of the Archdiocese and, in this case, of its sovereign statutory body, the EGA, to decide on its dissolution.

Act of Canonical Subordination concerning the Parishes of our Archdiocese in Western Europe

This act revokes the Patriarchal and Synodal Tomos of 1999, and arranges the illegal plundering of the parishes and of all the institutions of the Archdiocese by the Greek Metropolitans of Western Europe.

Our parishes, forming part of the GOVERNING UNION OF RUSSIAN ORTHODOX ASSOCIATIONS in Western Europe, have a duty themselves following the meeting of the General Assembly on 23 February 2019 to determine according to the statutes the canonical continuity to provide for the future of the Archdiocese.

Letter of the Archdiocesan Council of January 17, 2019 to His All-Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch, Archbishop of Constantinople, Bartholomew I

Protocol No. 19.002
Paris, January 18, 2019
His Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
Istanbul Rum Patrikligi Sadrazam Ali Pasa Cad. No. 35 Fatih 34220 Istanbul TURKEY

Your All-Holiness,

Communiqué of the Council of the Archdiocese - 17 January 2019

In recent days, many priests and deacons of the Archdiocese have received a letter from the Greek Metropolitan of the country where they reside, ordering them to cease commemorating their own Archbishop, to join the clergy of the Greek Metropolia, to consider that our parishes and communities are already part of these Metropolia and finally ordering them to hand over all relevant parish documents and records.

In this regard, the Council of the Archdiocese refers to its communiqué of 30 November and offers some clarifications.

COMMUNIQUE of the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate (November 29, 2018)

The Holy and Sacred Synod convened under the chairmanship of His All-Holiness for its regular sessions from Tuesday, November 27, to Thursday, November 29, 2018.


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