HELP Fund-raising effort started by the Conference Youth

We are from the Teenage Programme from this year’s Conference, and in our workshops, we decided to start a charity effort to raise money to help those far less fortunate than ourselves. In the end, we chose to donate to help the emigrants fleeing their home countries. We want to make a difference to the lives of people who have little or nothing left - and we need the help of everyone to achieve this.

More details about the Deanery Festival/Conference 2017

We are very pleased to be able to give you some more information about the Exarchate UK Deanery Conference and Festival for 2017, which is being planned for the 26th to 29th May 2017 at High Leigh Conference Centre, Lord Street, Hoddesdon EN11 8SG.
The costs will be as for this year - £230 for en suite, and £200 for non en suite.

Feuillet de l'Exarchat November 2016

Feuillet de l'Exarchat November 2016The November 2016 issue of Feuillet de l'Exarchat is out.

In this issue:

Conference in Memory of Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh 2016

Please find attached the application form and flyer for the Conference in Memory of Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh.

Deanery Conference 2016 Photos

Here are the photos from the Deanery Conference 2016. They are all available on the Google Photos Deanery Page.

Below you can view the various albums.

Report on the Children's Programme at the Deanery Conference and Festival 2016

When I was asked to write a brief report on the children's programme, I thought it was going to be very easy.  I knew it inside out, so I only needed to list all the activities we did with the children, acknowledge the people involved, and that could have been a “job done”.

Feuillet of the Exarchate June 2016


  • Message from Archbishop John for the Feast of Pentecost
  • Report on the The enthronement of Archbishop John
  • Patriarchal and synodal letter
  • A personal reflection on the Enthronement by hierom. Prophyrios
  • Report on the traditional pilgrimage organised by our Exarchate to the Holy Land
  • In Memoriam: Nikita Alekseïevitch Struve
  • Ordinations

Report on the Deanery Conference and Festival, May 2016

Theme: ‘Orthodox Christianity in Everyday Life’
Written by sdn Ian Randall, edited by Fr Ian Wallis 

Communiqué of the Archdiocesan Administration of 6 May 2016

Christ is Risen !

The enthronement of Archbishop John of Charioupolis, Patriarchal Exarch of the Orthodox Parishes of Russian tradition in Western Europe, took place on Thursday 26 May at 5 p.m. at the Saint Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Paris.

Archbishop John will presided over the Divine Liturgy on May 27 at 10a.m. in the Cathedral.

Communiqué of the Archdiocesan Administration of 25 April 2016

At the own proposal of His All-Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew, the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Throne, elevated Bishop John of Charioupolis to the rank of Archbishop, honoris causa, and appointed him as Patriarchal Exarch of the Orthodox Parishes of Russian tradition in Western Europe, in accordance with the decision of the Extraordinary General Assembly of the Exarchate which met on the 28th March of this year.


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