The Messenger

The Messenger (info & subscription)

 Journal of the DeaneryThe Messenger contains theology, Church life, news and book reviews.  It is published three times a year: February, July and November.The latest issue of The Messenger is March 2014 (back issues available as PDF downloads as well).The Messenger is available as a hard copy (printed booklet) or downloadable PDF; available as subscription or single copies; see below for details.PayPal is the preferr

The Messenger, March 2014

This is the March 2014 edition of the Messenger, the Journal of the Deanery.

The Messenger will temporary stop publishing and will return back possibly in 2015.

The Messenger, November 2013

The Messenger, March 2013

The Messenger, November 2012

The Messenger, March 2012

The Messenger, July 2011

< prev. (mar'11)   |  buy or subscribe  |  next (nov'11) >


(there is a typing error in the date and issue number; apologies)




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