· What is the Deanery Conference/Festival?
Thyateira Deanery's annual Conference & Festival 2021 postponed
From the time following the decision to postpone the May 2020 event, our small team of organizers have been aware that the circumstances around an event in May 2021 would not necessarily be 'situation normal': our best information from our venue was that - come May - there might well be restrictions in order to minimize the risks of transmitting Covid-19.
Our booked venue, High Leigh, has actually been mothballed since November of last year, with a reopening planned for the Spring of this year. But it was the worsening situation in the UK (second/third wave of infections, new variants of the virus, the NHS being close to being overwhelmed) that considerably increased our fears that staging an event with social distancing, masks etc. was not going to be an attractive possibility.
The decision was taken to talk to the staff at High Leigh about cancelling/postponing this year's Conference & Festival, and they have agreed to move the booking to the 27th - 30th May 2022 - so please mark those dates on your year planner!
Our current thinking is that we will attempt a fresh start in planning for next year's event, with a new theme/title (possibly a reflection on what the pandemic has taught us!) - please keep a look out for further newsletters later on in the year.