Parish Sale & Social in St Peter and Paul, Clapham, London, 26 January 2014
Sat, 18/01/2014 - 11:47
Everybody is invited at the Parish Sale & Social in St Peter and Paul, Clapham, London
The event will take place on on 26 January 2014, at 2pm, after the Liturgy that starts 11:30am.
Address: St Peter's Church, Clapham Manor Street, Clapham, London, SW4 6BX (google map)
Parish website:
Organizer: Carol 07790 807606
The event will include:
- delicious home-made food,
- sale of interesting things
- raffle
- wine
- live music
- entertainments for children
One can also help. We need:
- food to eat on the day
- food to sell and take home eg. cakes, biscuits, jam
- things for stalls: bric-a-brac, toys
- books
- anything nice and saleable (no jumble)
We also need people to help set up & clear up.
Everyone - please just come both to the Liturgy and Parish Social!