Orthodox Climate Conference, 21 October 2021

On October 21st 2021, the Volos Academy for Theological Studies-Research Center, in cooperation with WWF Greece, organizes an International online conference on the general topic: “The good practices of the Orthodox Church addressing the climate crisis, in view of the UNFCCC COP26”.

If you would like to find out more and register, please download the attached leaflet.



Address of His All-holiness Patriarch Bartholemew to the on-line Conference of the French Vicariate on 6th June 2021

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

First of all, allow me to greet each and every one of you fraternally by using the customary paschal greeting of our Church: Christ is risen!

CANCELLATION - Children’s Summer Camp Wales 2021

Please read the attached notice about the cancellation of the Children’s Summer Camp 2021

MASSHF Seminar from Moscow: ‘Crises and Our Life in Christ’, Monday 31st May 5pm (BST)

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh Spiritual Heritage Foundation Seminar from Moscow: ‘Crises and Our Life in Christ’ Monday 31st May 5pm BST (7pm Moscow Time)

Andrew Sherwood (UK) - Orthodox Layman who knew Metropolitan Anthony for many years Leonid Gliberman (Moscow) Ph D in Technical Science, School Headmaster
Elena Utenkova-Tikhonova (Moscow) - Artist and Writer
Victoria Bogdanova – Teacher, Friend of MASSHF

  • To join the seminar on Zoom, please go to cutt.ly/antsur_may31 (Password: 111111)
  • To watch the Seminar with English translation on YouTube, go to cutt.ly/antsur_31
  • To read the text for discussion, a 1986 talk by Metropolitan Anthony – ‘The Challenge of the Modern World’, visit: t1p.de/ia4p


Fr Christopher Knight’s book launch

On-line book launch of Fr Christopher Knight’s Science and the Christian Faith. A Guide for the Perplexed

Hosted by the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies, Cambridge, on Monday 7 June 2021, from 18.30 to 19.30 (BST). For more information and Zoom link to join, see:


Unusual Paschal Services in Devon

Please see the article below.

Fr Patrick.

Our Nomadic Pascha


To quote Fr Anthony Hughes in our issue of 25th April, 'Each Holy Week is different.’  Well, Holy Week and Pascha have certainly felt very different for us from last year to this.  Last year, we were in the depths of the first Covid lockdown.  Celia had come up with the idea of putting out a weekly newsletter to keep us in touch with one another, and since we could not go to church, we turned small corners of our houses into churches.  Father Peter, so recently ordained, gave huge comfort by livestreaming services from Barnfield Road not only to us in the parish but to a much wider circle.  Some of us quietly read the services from the Triodion.  On Easter Day many of us joined a Zoom party which was the nearest we could get to greeting one another with a kiss.

The most obvious practical difference this Pascha was that churches could open for public worship.  This presented problems for us, though.  Not only was Saint Anne's quite unsuitable for any gathering with social distancing, but – and this was much more difficult – Fr Peter was hugely absent.  As Lent proceeded it seemed we had nowhere to meet and no-one to lead us.

Science and The Christian Faith - a book release by Fr Christopher Knight

Thyateira Deanery's annual Conference & Festival 2021 postponed

   From the time following the decision to postpone the May 2020 event, our small team of organizers have been aware that the circumstances around an event in May 2021 would not necessarily be 'situation normal': our best information from our venue was that - come May - there might well be restrictions in order to minimize the risks of transmitting Covid-19.


Ordination of Deacon Stephen as a Deacon and Gabriel Keenes as a Reader

At the Liturgy on Saturday 5th December 2020, presided by our Archbishop Nikitas, the ordination of Deacon Stephen (Morys Ireland) took place, assigned to serve at the parish of Saint Peter & Saint Paul in Clapham.

Gabriel Keenes, who will assist Father Constantine in our Guildford community, was ordained Reader.

"A man whom we admired" - an online seminar about Father Peter Scorer, 10 December 2020

The Metropolitan Anthony Foundation is hosting an online seminar about Father Peter Scorer, priest of the Orthodox Church and grandson of Professor Semyon Frank.

Date: 10th December at 4:00pm GMT  (7:00pm Moscow time ).
Place: YouTube (Russian) and Zoom (simultaneous English translations)


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