Father Peter's funeral, 18 Steptember 2020

Father Peter was laid to rest at Exeter Higher Cemetery on Friday 18th September 2020. Covid-19 regulations made it impossible for the funeral service to be held at Saint Anne's, so it was decided in the light of a forecast of good weather that the entire ceremony should take place at the cemetery close to the grave. Even so, attendance had to be limited to 30 people only, and all those who were there were aware that they were representing the many, many friends and colleagues who could not be present.

Fr Peter Scorer reposed in the Lord

The Revd Presbyter Peter Scorer reposed in the Lord on Friday, September 11, 2020.

He was ordained into the diaconate by the late Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh and made a Priest by Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain serving 47 years as a Deacon.

He was a student of Father Alexander Schmemann and served the Orthodox Parish of the Holy Prophet Elias in Devon.

May his Memory be Eternal!


Please see below the Paschal Messages of His All-holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholemew and of His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas.



Holy Week Statement from British and Irish Church Leaders

Please download the attached statement (PDF).

Statement by Father Peter Scorer after his ordination to the priesthood at St Anne’s Church, Exeter, on 1st February 2020

I stand here before you with fear and trepidation. I also stand here with hope and love. We have just now celebrated the divine Eucharist, which is above all the prayer of Thanksgiving, and I now want to give thanks. But there are so many people I need to thank that we may stay here all afternoon and you will never get to your food.

Deanery Conference 2019: Talks and Presentations


(audio; click the player below to listen online)

(right-click > Save link as... on the titles to download the files)

Children's Summer Camp Wales 2020

Applications for the Children's Summer Camp Wales 2020 are now open.

To apply for a place, please complete and return the attached application form. Once places have been allocated you will be sent further details, including a list of required  clothing and equipment.

Please download and print the application form below.

Canonisation of Elder Sophrony of Essex

The Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, convened on 27th November 2019, decided to canonize Archimandrite Sophrony Sakharov, the abbot and founder of the Patriarchal Stavropegic Monastery of St John the Baptist in Essex.

In Christ,
Fr Patrick



The Current Situation of the Deanery

During the past six weeks, the nine remaining parishes and larger communities comprising the Deanery have held general meetings and voted (mostly with large majorities or unanimously) to remain in the Ecumenical Patriarchate, and therefore to come under the omophorion of Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain. He had made it clear that parishes must go through due processes before being received into the Archdiocese.


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