Patriarchal Encyclical For Holy Pascha 2018

+ B A R T H O L O M E W
By God’s Mercy
Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch
To the Plenitude of the Church: May the Grace, Peace and Mercy
of Christ Risen in Glory be with you All

Dear venerable Hierarchs and beloved brothers and sisters in Christ,

The Bishop Spartas Trust for Education in Uganda

‘Someone told me that poor people don’t have dreams, but I didn’t believe that, because God cares.  All this time I have been waiting, and now I think it’s the time for my dreams.’ This was how Athanasios, a young Orthodox Ugandan, responded to the news that he could finally enrol at Kampala International University to study Computer Science

Christmas message 2017/2018 from His Eminence Archbishop John of Charioupolis, Exarch of the Ecumenical Patriarch

To the clergy, monks, nuns and faithful of the Archdiocese of the orthodox parishes of Russian Tradition in Western Europe

Patriarchal Proclamation of Christmas 2017

Prot. No. 1123


By God’s Mercy Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch
To the Plenitude of the Church
Grace, Mercy and Peace from the Savior Christ Born in Bethlehem
* * *

Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, dear children,

Deanery Conference & Festival 2018 (main page)

Children's Summer Camp Wales 2018

Applications for the Children's Summer Camp Wales 2018 are now open.
To apply for a place please complete and return the attached application form. Once places have been allocated you will be sent further details, including a list of required  clothing and equipment.
Please download and print the application form below.

Northern Singing

News form the Community of St Bega, St Mungo, St Cuthbert & St Herbert, Keswick, UK.

Matushka Elizabeth, with Fr Timothy Curtis, have conducted two music workshops in our parish this year. These have been hugely successful, and have motivated and inspired us in the formation of a choir. Because they took place here, they were well attended by our busy working members who would not be free to travel away. We highly recommend the format and style used, being informative and positive, yet relaxed, and effectively encouraging those recent members entirely new to Orthodox singing. The whole parish has been revitalized by these two events.

Thanks be to God.
Jenny Musther, Parish secretary


Archbishop John visit to our Deanery

Archbishop John came to London from Friday 27th to Sunday 29th October to visit the Deanery of Great Britain. He joined the monastic meeting and the senior clergy meeting before presiding over the deanery clergy meeting at which two major themes were discussed: clergy training and preparation to baptism.

The following day, the clergy gathered to celebrate Matins at the local chapel of Archbishop Gregorios of Thyateira where the servant of God Aristoboulos (Karl) Lyon was tonsured Reader. Clergy and lay representatives then met for the annual clergy-laity meeting of the Deanery. Archbishop Gregorios of Thyateira kindly came to visit and greet Archbishop John and members of the Assembly.

Archbishop John’s visit concluded on Sunday with a beautiful liturgy concelebrated with seven priests and three deacons at the parish of the Dormition of the Mother of God in London during which Priest Stephane Maikovsky was elevated to the rank of Archpriest, Deacon Julian Lowe was ordained Priest and the servant of God James Angus was tonsured Reader.


Workshop of Russian Church Music at the Anglican Shrine of our Lady of Walsingham

Dear Friends,

Please find attached all information on a Workshop of Russian Church Music that will be held at the Anglican Shrine of our Lady of Walsingham in Little Walsingham from Friday, October 20th to Sunday, October 22nd 2017, under the leadership of Annemarie de Visser, Choir Director at the Parish of the Dormition, Holborn, London, and prior to that, for many years, Assistant Choir Director to Fr Michael Fortounatto at the Cathedral of the Dormition and All Saints, Ennismore Gardens, London.

Deanery Conference & Festival 2017: Reports


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